[dev] newbie questions: config*.h; patches

From: Greg Minshall <minshall_AT_umich.edu>
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2024 10:23:33 +0300

hi. i've sort of been winging things for years now. but i'm curious
about two things in the "suckless user workslow" (with git):


so far, i've been either staying on master, or my personal branch `mine`
branch, and copying config.def.h to config.h (or, letting Makefile do
that). then, editing config.h to my heart's content, running make, etc.

that's worked okay.

but, given git (i guess), i sort of wonder if what i might do is switch
to branch `mine`, edit on config.def.h, hand copy that to config.h?
(well, maybe add, in the version of Makefile in `mine`, a dependency on
config.def.h for the config.h target.)

the advantage might be that i have my config changes under version
control, and will detect conflicts when i periodically pull into master,
then merge onto `mine` from master. (i'm by no means a git expert.)

i'm curious what other people do/recommend.


i've typically downloaded patch files and applied them, hopefully to
branch `mine` (rather than `master`).

but, again, given git, i wonder if i might, for each patch, create a
branch (to st, say), and in that branch, download and apply that patch
against master, commit.

then, to actually make use of the branch, do a git merge from that
branch into `mine`, build and deploy.

one downside is that i would need to keep the patch branch(es) up to
date with master.

one advantage maybe is that which branches, and which version of which
branches, would, i think, end up in the git log. and, that could be

again, i'm curious if people have ideas, how people manage branches.

(i didn't notice on the web site a suckless patch-ket manager. :)

cheers, Greg
Received on Sun Sep 22 2024 - 09:23:33 CEST

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