On Fri, Sep 22, 2006 at 01:48:20PM +0200, Jukka Salmi wrote:
> Hi,
> I just switched a laptop (running NetBSD/i386 -current, XFree86 4.5.0)
> from Blackbox to dwm. Everything works fine, except both Java programs
> I have installed: [1]eclipse 3.2.0, using Sun JRE 5.0 for Linux with
> NetBSD's compat_linux(8), and [2]SQuirrel SQL Client 2.2 final, using
> either the same JRE as for eclipse or native Sun JRE for NetBSD.
> While the problem I'm having with SQuirrel was [3]reported before, the
> one with eclipse is not (AFAIR):
> After starting eclipse the splash screen doesn't disappear, and CPU
> usage rises to 100% (one of the many java processes uses about 50%,
> and XFree86 the other 50%). Eclipse then seems not to respond to mouse
> and keyboard events anymore and I have to kill it...
> Both programs work fine on the same system under Blackbox or twm.
> Furthermore it doesn't matter whether they are started floating or
> tiled.
I tried to reproduce under debian unstable without success ;((
-- Anselm R. Garbe ><>< www.ebrag.de ><>< GPG key: 0D73F361Received on Fri Sep 22 2006 - 14:10:35 UTC
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