Here are my two cents :
> 2. You basically stick with default config, but
> a) use different colors/font
> b) use dmenu
> c) use some different shortcuts
> d) use more rules
* different symbols (<f>, <t>, <g> for float, tile, grid)
* a smaller font (10)
#define FONT "-*-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
* different border colors (too flashy for me by default)
#define NORMBORDERCOLOR "#58666a"
#define SELBORDERCOLOR "#70b6c8"
* for a 1280x1024 display, I set the MASTER ratio at 667
* NMASTER is set to 2 (really nice feature after all !)
* I changed xterm shortcut to be MODKEY + VK_t (I'm too lazy to do a
MODKEY | ShiftMask + VK_Return)
* I added dmenu to MODKEY + VK_p as follow
.cmd = "exe=\"$(lsx `echo $PATH | sed 's/:/ /g'` | sort -u | dmenu
-sf '"SELFGCOLOR"')\" && exec $exe"
* I use some extra rules (especially for floating-mode feature) like :
{ "Gkrellm2.*", "sys", True }, \
{ "Firefox.*", "www", False }, \
{ "Thunderbird.*", "mail", False }, \
{ "Audacious.*", "audio", True }, \
{ "Gaim.*", "other", True }, \
{ "Skype.*", "other", True }, \
{ "VCLSalFrame.*", "other", False }, \
{ "MPlayer.*", "video", True }, \
{ "xine.*", "video", True }, \
* As you might notice, I also give some names to the tags. Even if I
don't always use them properly, it helps to organize and memorize on
which tag you want to put applications
const char *tags[] = { "sys", "term", "www", "mail", "java", "dev",
"audio", "video", "other", NULL };
Kind regards,
Received on Fri Feb 09 2007 - 11:04:12 UTC
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