Re: [dwm] uriel sez the default config is retarded

From: Philippe-Pierre <>
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2007 12:08:35 +0100

Anselm R. Garbe a écrit :
> So out of curiosity, I ask, who uses the default config? And if
> not, what changes do you make (you can diff the default config
> to mine, I use dmenu and some different shortcuts).
> Maybe it would be time to rethink some values of the default
> config, esp. some shortcuts?

Hello all,

I modify the colours, the font, almost every shortcut, the snap
definition, name tags and add rules for some apps to always appear in a
specific tag -- and I use dmenu.
I use winkey as modkey.
As for the font I use config.arg.h's with a smaller size.
I don't think my shortcuts are any better than the default ones, they're
only idiosyncratic shortcuts... Moreover, I use {
MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_ampersand, toggleview, { .i = 1 } }, \
for instance, for the same reason than Federik's (french azerty keyboard).

Nevertheless, I have no problem with the "default" config -- anyway,
config.default.h is only a proposition. I don't think that the windows
key should become the default modkey, for the very (obvious) reason
Anselm gave : not everyone has it. (But maybe a combination like Alt+t
(or any other one) would prevent the default shortcuts to eventually
clash with some apps' shortcuts.)

And I can't think of a reason why the config in config.default.h should
be said "retarded". Must be because I'm not a developer, only an end
user grateful to talented and imaginative developers...


Received on Sat Feb 10 2007 - 11:54:14 UTC

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