No rotation cycle between layout modes?
maybe a final {0} would be nice for this. I like to minimize the number
of keys to use.
> On Mon, Feb 19, 2007 at 11:56:18AM -0500, John S. Yates, Jr. wrote:
>> Scanning the bundles showing up on [hackers] it is clear that
>> those of us who have any significant investment in dwm patches
>> are in for rough sledding trying to track this refactoring.
>> Will there be appreciable new functionality or is this just
>> gilding the lily? At what point will st get any real
>> attention?
> I don't think that you will need to do nasty things with the
> next dwm release when porting your patches. I did following
> changes basically:
> view.c and tag.c have been merged into screen.c
> draw.c has been merged into main.c
> Some convenience functions appeared in client.c (detach[stack](),
> attach[stack]()), some functions of client.c have been moved to
> screen.c and vice versa.
> Float[ing] has been renamed into versatile (also in the man
> page). isfloat has been renamed to isversatile.
> DEFMODE, TILESYMBOL and FLOATSYMBOL have been removed in favor
> of the new Layout struct which is initialized in config.h as
> follows:
> #define LAYOUTS \
> static Layout layout[] = { \
> /* symbol function */ \
> { "[]=", tile }, /* first entry is default */ \
> { "><>", versatile }, \
> };
> So adding a new layout like grid is easy:
> #define LAYOUTS \
> static Layout layout[] = { \
> /* symbol function */ \
> { "[]=", tile }, /* first entry is default */ \
> { "+++", grid }, \
> { "><>", versatile }, \
> };
> dotile() has been renamed into tile and is static in screen.o,
> dofloat() has been renamed into versatile, but is kept extern
> because there are several checks in the wm checking if the
> versatile algorithm is in use (except some tile-related checks
> in resizemaster() and incnmaster() - which are only performed
> in screen.c).
> extern Layout *lt; points to the current layout in use,
> so all occurences of arrange(); have been replaced with
> lt->arrange();, lt->symbol points to the symbol of the layout.
> Consequently I renamed all occurences of mode into layout now
> (bmw has been renamed to blw for instance).
> Besides the resize()-related changes (esp. to configurerequest
> and other parts) nothing else has changed.
> For those of you, who'd prefer a direct mode switcher I consider
> adding following setlayout to mainstream dwm:
> void
> setlayout(Arg *arg) {
> if(arg->i < 0 || arg->i >= nlayout)
> return;
> lt = &layout[arg->i];
> lt->arrange();
> }
> This would allow following wmii-2-ish style of working:
> [..]
> { MODKEY XK_t, setlayout, { .i = 0 } }, \
> { MODKEY XK_g, setlayout, { .i = 1 } }, \
> { MODKEY XK_f, setlayout, { .i = 2 } }, \
> [..]
> (as a rough example).
> Hope this mail helps anyone to don't loss the track toward 3.6.
> Regards,
> --
> Anselm R. Garbe >< >< GPG key: 0D73F361
Received on Mon Feb 19 2007 - 18:19:14 UTC
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