Re: [dwm] [st] some wishes

From: John S. Yates, Jr. <>
Date: Sat, 03 Mar 2007 14:42:09 -0500

On Fri, 2 Mar 2007, I posted a note that opened with this sentence:

> Now that you seem to be actively working on st I hope that we can
> discuss the envisioned functionality.

The intent was to make it clear that though I was posting to the
dwm list I was broaching the topic of st functionality. I do not
know of a better forum in which to raise such issues. I expect
that those drawn to dwm will likely be those most interested in
influencing and using st.

On Sat, 3 Mar 2007, "Szabolcs Nagy" replied:

> > - some way to change the font-size on the fly; when I make a term
> > small I would like to use a tiny font; when I grow it I would
> in xterm: ctrl + right mousebtn
> firefox: ctrl + +/-
> ...
> (i don't think dwm should do anything about it, it's client specific)

"Szabolcs Nagy", by failing to quote the remainder of my wish
bullet made it clear that he did not understand my point:

> in keeping with the
> dwm philosophy it might be nice to have some rule-based scheme
> for automatically picking font-size (similar to a dwm layout)
> with some way to control font-size manually (analogous to making
> a window floating and later returning it to layout-controlled)

This is a suggestion of functionality that might be included in st.
The notion is that instead of manually changing the font size in
conjunction with shuffling a window it could respond to resizing
by possibly using a different font size. I tried to point out the
extent to which such behavior would be consistent with the general
dwm philosophy. The final mention of manual capability was simply
and acknowledgement that even with a rule-based scheme one would
still want manual capability for rare / atypical situations.

I should point out that this suggestion was entirely speculative.
I do not currently have a proposal for how one might express or
encode such rules. But this does seem to be the right time to get
folk thinking about and discussing broad functionality questions.

Received on Sat Mar 03 2007 - 20:06:13 UTC

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