On 13:55 Sun 04 Mar , Albert Cardona wrote:
> I remain clueless as to how to setup the xserver's background color, or
> place an in image in it.
> I'd appreciate some clue.
I wrote a suckless styles tool which set the bg color or displays a
simple xpm image.
Maybe you're interested.
> Since it took me about an hour, I'm sharing my xinitrc which fine tunes
> the keyboard and prints my thinkpad's t60 battery status by the date,
> something like:
> 20070304 13:53 0.06 41%
> Albert
> xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
> # turn off bell
> xset -b
> # fine-tune keyboard
> xset r rate 200 50
> xterm -rv &
> while true
> do
> echo `date '+%Y%m%d %H:%M'` `uptime | sed 's/.*:
> \(.\...\),.*/\1/'` $(( (`cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state | grep
> "remaining capacity" | sed 's/.*: \{5,\}\(.*\) mWh/\1/'` * 100) /
> sleep 20
> done | dwm
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