On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 11:19 PM, yy <yiyu.jgl_AT_gmail.com> wrote:
> 2008/12/4 Tinou <tinoucas_AT_gmail.com>:
>> On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 9:31 PM, yy <yiyu.jgl_AT_gmail.com> wrote:
>> Besides the border color, I think this patch is really useful when using
>> the monocle layout. As clearing the urgent flag one could miss that not
>> visible urgent window. Though it's only visible viewing another tag...
> Not really. Maybe I didn't explain myself very well in my last mail,
> but although you remove the border color from the patch I submitted
> you will still be able to see it in the status bar. In fact, no code
> needs to be added to current dwm to do this, since what it does is
> invert the color. Leaving the flag set until the window is focused is
> everything you need.
> Of course, the inverted color in the tag label doesn't give you so
> much information as your taskbar idea (which looks nice), but is
> probably more than enough for the common use case.
> --
> - yiyus || JGL .
Reading your mail, I thought I misread the code, but I just tested with
the new 5.3: urgent flag is cleared once the tag is viewed (being viewed
or switched to) even in monocle when the urgent window isn't visible.
Since I'm having trouble falling asleep, here's a (maybe too big :-S)
patch that adds border color, as you sent, and taskbar, as I promised
-- Tinou
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