Thanks Jeremy, it's working now.
> spawn/execvp() is supposed to get each argument as a pointer, not
> all-in-one. all the commands you are having trouble with also happen
> to have arguments. On top of that, I don't think you have the right
> arguments for amixer...
> Here's the relevent parts of my config for an example:
> -----
> static const char *sound_up[] = { "/usr/bin/amixer", "-q", "set",
> "Master", "10+", NULL }; static const char *sound_down[] =
> { "/usr/bin/amixer", "-q", "set", "Master", "10-", NULL }; static
> const char *sound_mute[] = { "/usr/bin/amixer", "-q", "set",
> "Master", "toggle", NULL };
> static Key keys[] = {
> { 0, XF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume, spawn, {.v =
> sound_up } }, { 0, XF86XK_AudioLowerVolume,
> spawn, {.v = sound_down } }, { 0,
> XF86XK_AudioMute, spawn, {.v = sound_mute } }, };
> -----
> Jeremy
Received on Sat Feb 14 2009 - 23:52:29 UTC
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