Re: [dwm] key bindings

From: Steven Blatchford <>
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2009 21:10:52 -0400

On 02:08 Sat 04 Apr, yy wrote:
>2009/4/4 Steven Blatchford <>:
>> A few months ago I tried yiylus's idea of "workspaces" to cut down on
>> the keystrokes when pulling in other apps (eg modkey+1 modkey+ctrl+2).
>> Now, since I rarely use XK_{1,2,3...9} I thought of moving those to the
>> function keys thus freeing up XK_{1,2,3...9}.
>(I had to check the ml archives, because I didn't remember it, and
>then I see I even wrote a wiki page about it... My memory is getting
>worse every day)
Yes it's a great idea. I'm not entirely sure everyone understood what
you were suggesting.

>> How would one bind XK_1 to 'C-a 1'?  I'm hoping this will select a
>> screen buffer for the terminal which has the focus.
>Wouldn't it be much easier configuring screen?
Setting screen's escape key to the Modkey would cause me a lot of
conflicts. Unless I'm missing something. I'll concede my idea is a bit

Received on Sat Apr 04 2009 - 01:10:52 UTC

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