Re: [dwm] [RFC] dwm-win32

From: Daniel Bainton <>
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 14:14:44 +0300

2009/4/21 Anselm R Garbe <>:
> Hi Marc,
> just digged through my spam filter and spotted that thread here
> (including your older mail a month ago):

Yeah, apparently something is wrong with Marc's email host.

Marc's mail gives a huge warning on a red background in GMail:

"Warning: This message may not be from the alleged person or
organisation. Beware of following any links in it or of providing the
sender with any personal information."

You might want to check your domain in spam filter sites etc.

> 2009/4/20 Marc Andre Tanner <>:
>> So a month passed since my last posting and there was absolutely
>> no feedback so I assume the reasons are:
>>  (a) you guys are in the comfortable situation of not having to
>>     touch windows boxes
>>  (b) alpha1 was unusable and you didn't even bother to write a comment
>> Anyway I have since fixed a few bugs and probably also introduced some
>> new ones. But since I most likely wont have time to look into this in
>> the near future I post my current codebase just in case someone is
>> interested in it.
> Thanks, that's very interesting I will look into it.
> Lemme get back to you soon.
> Kind regards,
> --Anselm
Received on Tue Apr 21 2009 - 11:14:44 UTC

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