Re: [dwm] [idea] mwm - minimal/minimun/monocle window manager

From: Rickard Gustafsson <>
Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 00:51:11 +0200

I could not stop thinking of this concept since I read this post.
Mostley because I have fooled around with ratpoison a bit the last
weeks. So tonight I sat down and tried to realise some of the ideas
with dwm-5.5 as foundation. It is almost only cut'n'paste from the
source and removing some parts.

I have kept mwfac because I think i maybe nice to have a layout where
the screen is split into two sections (just realised I should have
kept zoom() then). Floating layout is still there because I think it
is nice to be able to handle floats and apps like gimp in a flexible

Client numbering is a bit screwed up to. This because clients are
added to the list of clients in a fifo fashion and I have not figured
out how to change this behavior. Do I need to change booth attach and

And I hope I have not screwed up in some licensing manner.

Here it is I some one would like to check it out.

Rickard Gustafsson

On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 9:11 PM, Leandro Chescotta
<> wrote:
> minimal/minimum/monocle window manager, this come to my head today, when i
> meet antiwm this is like dwm, but
> with no tags, no bottom bar, no layouts, more like ratpoison, the thing is
> that i tryed ratpoison and antiwm, and it lacks a couple of things, so, i
> see that suckless have wmii, stripping down there is dwm, and why not a
> smaller one like a suckless antiwm... mwm! :) this are the things i think
> mwm need...
> - no tags, only a "list" of opened windows, that you can cycle with one
> keybinding or Alt+number
> - no bottom bar, just the window list that you can show/hide
> - no layouts, only a monocle-like one, and a floating "layer" for
> mplayer/feh/gimp
> - lol, an arch linux AUR package with the config.h ready to customize the
> few font/colors/keybindings/apps
> maybe this is not worthy, but i like the idea, maybe you too, maybe is like
> getting dwm code and strip it down a little, only, maybe not...
Received on Tue May 05 2009 - 22:51:11 UTC

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