commit 248dc4edb52a9cf83a0b4574dfec1bf7b3c5ad7e
Author: Mattias Andrée <>
AuthorDate: Fri Apr 29 16:17:40 2016 +0200
Commit: Mattias Andrée <>
CommitDate: Fri Apr 29 16:18:05 2016 +0200
Add refsheet
Signed-off-by: Mattias Andrée <>
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 5a7aa5d..e54190f 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
_AT_@ -14,3 +14,9 @@
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index a7c2b0a..406209d 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
_AT_@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ INLINE_FUN =\
+DOC =\
+ refsheet.pdf
OBJ = $(FUN:=.o) allocator.o
MAN3 = $(FUN:=.3) $(INLINE_FUN:=.3)
_AT_@ -115,7 +118,7 @@ CPPFLAGS += $(BENCHMARK_CPP_$(BENCHMARK_LIB))
CFLAGS_WITHOUT_O = $$(printf '%s\n' $(CFLAGS) | sed '/^-O.*$$/d')
-all: libzahl.a
+all: libzahl.a $(DOC)
.o: .c $(HDR)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $_AT_ $<
_AT_@ -141,6 +144,10 @@ benchmark-func: bench/benchmark-func.c bench/benchmark.h $(BENCHMARK_DEP_$(BENCH
benchmark-zrand: bench/benchmark-zrand.c bench/benchmark.h libzahl.a
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -o $_AT_ $^
+refsheet.pdf: doc/refsheet.tex
+ yes X | pdflatex doc/refsheet.tex
+ yes X | pdflatex doc/refsheet.tex
check: test
_AT_@ -149,6 +156,7 @@ install: libzahl.a
mkdir -p -- "$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include"
mkdir -p -- "$(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man3"
mkdir -p -- "$(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man7"
+ mkdir -p -- "$(DESTDIR)$(DOCPREFIX)/libzahl"
_AT_if test -n "$(DESTDIR)"; then \
cd man && test -d "$(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man7" || \
(printf '\n\n!! DESTDIR must be an absolute path. !!\n\n\n' ; exit 1) \
_AT_@ -157,15 +165,20 @@ install: libzahl.a
cp -- $(HDR_PUBLIC) "$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include"
cd man && cp -- $(MAN3) "$(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man3"
cd man && cp -- $(MAN7) "$(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man7"
+ cp -- $(DOC) "$(DESTDIR)$(DOCPREFIX)/libzahl"
-rm -- "$(DESTDIR)$(EXECPREFIX)/lib/libzahl.a"
-cd -- "$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include" && rm $(HDR_PUBLIC)
-cd -- "$(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man3" && rm $(MAN3)
-cd -- "$(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man7" && rm $(MAN7)
+ -cd -- "$(DESTDIR)$(DOCPREFIX)/libzahl" && rm $(DOC)
+ -rmdir -- "$(DESTDIR)$(DOCPREFIX)/libzahl"
-rm -- *.o *.su *.a *.so test test-random.c 2>/dev/null
-rm -- benchmark benchmark-zrand benchmark-func 2>/dev/null
+ -rm -- *.aux *.log *.out 2>/dev/null
+ -rm -- refsheet.pdf refsheet.dvi 2>/dev/null
.PHONY: all check clean install uninstall
diff --git a/ b/
index b4ca91b..5c87cbd 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
_AT_@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ VERSION = 1.1
PREFIX = /usr/local
MANPREFIX = $(PREFIX)/share/man
+DOCPREFIX = $(PREFIX)/share/doc
CC = cc
AR = ar
diff --git a/doc/refsheet.tex b/doc/refsheet.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4b5a8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/refsheet.tex
_AT_@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, mathtools}
+{\Huge libzahl}
+Unless specified otherwise, all times are of type {\tt z\_t}.
+\\ \\
+\textbf{Initialisation} & {} & {} \\
+Initialise libzahl & {\tt zsetup(env)} & must be called before any other function is used, \\
+{} & {} & $~~~~~$ {\tt env} is a {\tt jmp\_buf} all
+ functions will {\tt longjmp} \\
+{} & {} & $~~~~~$ to --- with value 1 --- on error \\
+Deinitialise libzahl & {\tt zunsetup()} & will free any pooled memory \\
+Initialise $a$ & {\tt zinit(a)} & must be called before used in any other function \\
+Deinitialise $a$ & {\tt zfree(a)} & must not be used again before reinitialisation \\
+\textbf{Error handling} & {} & {} \\
+Get error code & {\tt zerror(a)} & returns {\tt enum zerror},
+ and stores description in \\
+{} & {} & $~~~~~$ {\tt const char **a} \\
+Print error description & {\tt zperror(a)} & behaves like {\tt perror(a)}, {\tt a} is a,
+ possibly {\tt NULL}, \\
+{} & {} & $~~~~~$ {\tt const char *} \\
+\textbf{Arithmetic} & {} & {} \\
+$a \gets b + c$ & {\tt zadd(a, b, c)} & \\
+$a \gets b - c$ & {\tt zsub(a, b, c)} & \\
+$a \gets b \cdot c$ & {\tt zmul(a, b, c)} & \\
+$a \gets b \cdot c \mod d$ & {\tt zmodmul(a, b, c, d)} & $0 \le a < \ab{d}$ \\
+$a \gets [b / c]$ & {\tt zdiv(a, b, c)} & rounded towards zero \\
+$a \gets [c / d]$ & {\tt zdivmod(a, b, c, d)} & rounded towards zero \\
+$b \gets c \mod d$ & {\tt zdivmod(a, b, c, d)} & $0 \le b < \ab{d}$ \\
+$a \gets b \mod c$ & {\tt zmod(a, b, c)} & $0 \le a < \ab{c}$ \\
+%$a \gets b / c$ & {\tt zdiv\_exact(a, b, c)} & assumes $c \vert d$ \\ %%
+$a \gets b^2$ & {\tt zsqr(a, b)} & \\
+$a \gets b^2 \mod c$ & {\tt zmodsqr(a, b, c)} & $0 \le a < \ab{c}$ \\
+$a \gets b^2$ & {\tt zsqr(a, b)} & \\
+$a \gets b^c$ & {\tt zpow(a, b, c)} & \\
+$a \gets b^c$ & {\tt zpowu(a, b, c)} & {\tt c} is an {\tt unsigned long long int} \\
+$a \gets b^c \mod d$ & {\tt zmodpow(a, b, c, d)} & $0 \le a < \ab{d}$ \\
+$a \gets b^c \mod d$ & {\tt zmodpowu(a, b, c, d)} & ditto, {\tt c} is an {\tt unsigned long long int} \\
+$a \gets \ab{b}$ & {\tt zabs(a, b)} & \\
+$a \gets -b$ & {\tt zneg(a, b)} & \\
+\textbf{Assignment} & {} & {} \\
+$a \gets b$ & {\tt zset(a, b)} & \\
+$a \gets b$ & {\tt zseti(a, b)} & {\tt b} is a {\tt long long int} \\
+$a \gets b$ & {\tt zsetu(a, b)} & {\tt b} is an {\tt unsigned long long int} \\
+$a \gets b$ & {\tt zsets(a, b)} & {\tt b} is a decimal {\tt const char *} \\
+%$a \gets b$ & {\tt zsets\_radix(a, b, c)} & {\tt b} is a radix $c$ {\tt const char *}, \\ %%
+%{} & {} & $~~~~~$ {\tt c} is an {\tt unsigned long long int} \\ %%
+$a \leftrightarrow b$ & {\tt zswap(a, b)} & \\
+\textbf{Comparison} & {} & {} \\
+Compare $a$ and $b$ & {\tt zcmp(a, b)} & returns {\tt int} $\mbox{sgn}(a - b)$ \\
+Compare $a$ and $b$ & {\tt zcmpi(a, b)} & ditto, {\tt b} is n {\tt long long int} \\
+Compare $a$ and $b$ & {\tt zcmpu(a, b)} & ditto, {\tt b} is an {\tt unsigned long long int} \\
+Compare $\ab{a}$ and $\ab{b}$ & {\tt zcmpmag(a, b)} & returns {\tt int} $\mbox{sgn}(\ab{a} - \ab{b})$ \\
+\textbf{Bit operations} & {} & {} \\
+$a \gets b \wedge c$ & {\tt zand(a, b, c)} & bitwise \\
+$a \gets b \vee c$ & {\tt zor(a, b, c)} & bitwise \\
+$a \gets b \oplus c$ & {\tt zxor(a, b, c)} & bitwise \\
+$a \gets \lnot b$ & {\tt znot(a, b, c)} & bitwise, cut at highest set bit \\
+$a \gets b \cdot 2^c$ & {\tt zlsh(a, b, c)} & {\tt c} is a {\tt size\_t} \\
+$a \gets [b / 2^c]$ & {\tt zrsh(a, b, c)} & ditto, rounded towards zero \\
+$a \gets b \mod 2^c$ & {\tt ztrunc(a, b, c)} & ditto, {\tt a} shares signum with {\tt b} \\
+Get index of highest set bit & {\tt zbits(a)} & returns {\tt size\_t}, 1 if $a = 0$ \\
+Get index of lowest set bit & {\tt zlsb(a)} & returns {\tt size\_t}, {\tt SIZE\_MAX} if $a = 0$ \\
+Is bit $b$ in $a$ set? & {\tt zbtest(a, b)} & {\tt b} is a {\tt size\_t}, returns {\tt int} \\
+$a \gets b$, set bit $c$ & {\tt zbset(a, b, c, 1)} & {\tt c} is a {\tt size\_t} \\
+$a \gets b$, clear bit $c$ & {\tt zbset(a, b, c, 0)} & ditto \\
+$a \gets b$, flip bit $c$ & {\tt zbset(a, b, c, -1)} & ditto \\
+$a \gets [c / 2^d]$ & {\tt zsplit(a, b, c, d)} & {\tt d} is a {\tt size\_t}, rounded towards zero \\
+$b \gets c \mod 2^d$ & {\tt zsplit(a, b, c, d)} & ditto, {\tt b} shares signum with {\tt c} \\
+\textbf{Conversion to string} & {} & {} \\
+Convert $a$ to decimal & {\tt zstr(a, b, c)} & returns the resulting {\tt const char *} \\
+{} & {} & $~~~~~$ --- {\tt b} unless {\tt b} is {\tt NULL},
+ --- {\tt c} must be \\
+{} & {} & $~~~~~$ either 0 or at least the length of the \\
+{} & {} & $~~~~~$ resulting string but at most the \\
+{} & {} & $~~~~~$ allocation size of {\tt b} minus 1 \\
+%Convert $a$ to radix $d$ & {\tt zstr\_radix(a, b, c, d)} & ditto,
+% {\tt d} is an {\tt unsigned long long int}\\ %%
+Get string length of $a$ & {\tt zstr\_length(a, b)} & returns {\tt size\_t} length of $a$ in radix $b$ \\
+\textbf{Marshallisation} & {} & {} \\
+Marshal $a$ into $b$ & {\tt zsave(a, b)} & returns {\tt size\_t} number of saved bytes, \\
+{} & {} & $~~~~~$ {\tt b} is a {\tt char *\_t} \\
+Get marshal-size of $a$ & {\tt zsave(a, NULL)} & returns {\tt size\_t} \\
+Unmarshal $a$ from $b$ & {\tt zload(a, b)} & returns {\tt size\_t} number of read bytes, \\
+{} & {} & $~~~~~$ {\tt b} is a {\tt const char *\_t} \\
+\textbf{Number theory} & {} & {} \\
+$a \gets \mbox{sgn}(b)$ & {\tt zsignum(a, b)} & \\
+Is $a$ even? & {\tt zeven(a)} & returns {\tt int} 1 (true) or 0 (false) \\
+Is $a$ even? & {\tt zeven\_nonzero(a)} & ditto, assumes $a \neq 0$ \\
+Is $a$ odd? & {\tt zodd(a)} & returns {\tt int} 1 (true) or 0 (false) \\
+Is $a$ odd? & {\tt zodd\_nonzero(a)} & ditto, assumes $a \neq 0$ \\
+Is $a$ zero? & {\tt zzero(a)} & returns {\tt int} 1 (true) or 0 (false) \\
+$a \gets \gcd(c, b)$ & {\tt zgcd(a, b, c)} & $a < 0$ iff $b < 0 \wedge c < 0$ \\
+Is $b$ a prime? & {\tt zptest(a, b, c)} & {\tt c} runs of Miller--Rabin, returns \\
+{} & {} & $~~~~~$ {\tt enum zprimality} {\tt NONPRIME} (0) \\
+{} & {} & $~~~~~$ (and stores the witness in {\tt a} unless \\
+{} & {} & $~~~~~$ {\tt a} is {\tt NULL}),
+ {\tt PROBABLY\_PRIME} (1), or \\
+{} & {} & $~~~~~$ {\tt PRIME} (2) \\
+\textbf{Random numbers} & {} & {} \\
+$a \xleftarrow{\$} \mathbb{Z}_d $ & {\tt zrand(a, b, UNIFORM, d)}
+& {\tt b} is a {\tt zranddev}, e.g. {\tt DEFAULT\_RANDOM} \\
diff --git a/man/ztrunc.3 b/man/ztrunc.3
index 7617b74..1803697 100644
--- a/man/ztrunc.3
+++ b/man/ztrunc.3
_AT_@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ void ztrunc(z_t \fIa\fP, z_t \fIb\fP, size_t \fIbits\fP);
makes a truncated copy of
.I b
and stores it in
-.I a .
+.IR a .
Only the first
.I bits
_AT_@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from
.IR b 's
sign is copied to
-.I a .
+.IR a .
It is safe to call
.B zsplit
Received on Fri Apr 29 2016 - 16:18:13 CEST
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.3.0
: Fri Apr 29 2016 - 16:24:16 CEST