(wrong string) ée

From: <git_AT_suckless.org>
Date: Wed, 11 May 2016 16:11:08 +0200 (CEST)

commit a36227cae9c9983faad42f98c3aa79c7a0d863a0
Author: Mattias Andrée <maandree_AT_kth.se>
AuthorDate: Wed May 11 16:10:53 2016 +0200
Commit: Mattias Andrée <maandree_AT_kth.se>
CommitDate: Wed May 11 16:10:53 2016 +0200

    Work on the manual and zstr_length checks that the radix is valid
    Signed-off-by: Mattias Andrée <maandree_AT_kth.se>

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 627baad..8daf15d 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
_AT_@ -76,7 +76,9 @@ TEXSRC =\
- doc/get-started.tex
+ doc/get-started.tex\
+ doc/miscellaneous.tex\
+ doc/arithmetic.tex
diff --git a/doc/arithmetic.tex b/doc/arithmetic.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cbc25d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/arithmetic.tex
_AT_@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+In this chapter, we will learn how to perform basic
+arithmetic with libzahl: addition, subtraction,
+multiplication, division, modulus, exponentiation,
+and Sign manipulation.
+TODO % zadd
+TODO % zsub
+TODO % zmul zmodmul
+TODO % zdiv zmod zdivmod
+TODO % zpow zpowu zmodpow zmodpowu
+\section{Sign manipulation}
+\label{sec:Sign manipulation}
+TODO % zabs zneg
diff --git a/doc/get-started.tex b/doc/get-started.tex
index 537b228..0b297ed 100644
--- a/doc/get-started.tex
+++ b/doc/get-started.tex
_AT_@ -147,6 +147,9 @@ error code, you instead look at the return value.
        case ZERROR_NEGATIVE:
            fprintf(stderr, "Undefined (negative input)\verb|\|n");
            \textcolor{c}{return 1;}
+ fprintf(stderr, "Radix must be at least 2\verb|\|n");
+ \textcolor{c}{return 1;}
            \textcolor{c}{return 1;}
_AT_@ -228,7 +231,7 @@ for reuse.
 If you plan to reuse the variable later, you need to
 reinitialise it by calling {\tt zinit} again.
-Alternatives to {\tt zseti} include:
+Alternatives to {\tt zseti} include \psecref{sec:Assignment}:
    void zsetu(z_t a, uint64_t value);
diff --git a/doc/libzahl.tex b/doc/libzahl.tex
index ba4d902..c417fff 100644
--- a/doc/libzahl.tex
+++ b/doc/libzahl.tex
_AT_@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ all copies or substantial portions of the Document.
 \input doc/what-is-libzahl.tex
 \input doc/libzahls-design.tex
 \input doc/get-started.tex
+\input doc/miscellaneous.tex
+\input doc/arithmetic.tex
diff --git a/doc/libzahls-design.tex b/doc/libzahls-design.tex
index 060c1fd..dcc2cb1 100644
--- a/doc/libzahls-design.tex
+++ b/doc/libzahls-design.tex
_AT_@ -194,9 +194,9 @@ would write them using mathematical notation, this
 also holds true if you include the output parameter
 (as long as there is exactly one output,) for example
 $a \gets b^c \mod d$
 is written
diff --git a/doc/miscellaneous.tex b/doc/miscellaneous.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b83822
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/miscellaneous.tex
_AT_@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+In this chapter, we will learn some miscellaneous
+functions. It might seem counterintuitive to start
+with miscellanea, but it is probably a good idea
+to read this before arithmetics and more advanced
+topics. You may read \secref{sec:Marshalling}
+later. Before reading this chapter you should
+have read \chapref{chap:Get started}.
+To be able to do anything useful, we must assign
+values to integers. There are three functions for
+this: {\tt zseti}, {\tt zsetu}, and {\tt zsets}.
+The last letter in the names of these function
+describe the data type of the input, `i', `u',
+and `s' stand for `integer', `unsigned integer',
+and `string`, respectively. These resemble the
+rules for the format strings in the family of
+{\tt printf}-functions. `Integer' of course refer
+to `signed integer'; for integer types in C,
+part from {\tt char}, the keyword {\tt signed}
+is implicit.
+Consider {\tt zseti},
+ \textcolor{c}{z_t two;}
+ \textcolor{c}{zinit(two);}
+ zseti(two, 2);
+assignes {\tt two} the value 2. The data type of
+the second parameter of {\tt zseti} is {\tt int64\_t}.
+It will accept any integer value in the range
+$[-2^{63},~2^{63} - 1] = [-9223372036854775808,~9223372036854775807]$,
+independently of the machine.\footnote{{\tt int64\_t}
+is defined to be a signed 64-bit integer using two's
+complement representation.} If this range so not wide
+enough, it may be possible to use {\tt zsetu}. Its
+second parameter of the type {\tt uint64\_t}, and thus
+its range is $[0,~2^{64} - 1] = [0,~18446744073709551615]$.
+If a need negative value is desired, {\tt zsetu} can be
+combined with {\tt zneg} \psecref{sec:Sign manipulation}.
+For enormous constants or textual input, {\tt zsets}
+can be used. {\tt zsets} will accept any numerical
+value encoded in decimal ASCII, that only contain
+digits, \emph{not} decimal points, whitespace,
+apostrophes, et cetera. However, an optional plus
+sign or, for negative numbers, an ASCII minus sign
+may be used as the very first character. Note that
+a proper UCS minus sign is not supported.
+Using what we have learned so far, and {\tt zstr}
+which we will learn about in \secref{sec:String output},
+we can construct a simple program that calculates the
+sum of a set of number.
+ \textcolor{c}{#include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <zahl.h>}
+ int
+ main(int argc, char *argv[]) \{
+ z_t sum, temp;
+ \textcolor{c}{jmp_buf failenv;
+ char *sbuf, *argv0 = *argv;
+ if (setjmp(failenv)) \{
+ zperror(argv0);
+ return 1;
+ \}
+ zsetup(failenv);
+ zinit(sum);
+ zinit(term);}
+ zsetu(sum, 0);
+ for (argv++; *argv; argv++) \{
+ zsets(term, *argv);
+ zadd(sum, sum, term);
+ \}
+ \textcolor{c}{printf("\%s\textbackslash{}n", (sbuf = zstr(sum, NULL, 0)));
+ free(sbuf);
+ zfree(sum);
+ zfree(term);
+ zunsetup();
+ return 0;}
+ \}
+Another form of assignment available in libzahl is
+copy-assignment. This done using {\tt zset}. As
+easily observable, {\tt zset} is named like
+{\tt zseti}, {\tt zsetu}, and {\tt zsetu}, but
+without the input-type suffix. The lack of a
+input-type suffix means that the input type is
+{\tt z\_t}. {\tt zset} copies value of second
+parameter into the reference in the first. For
+example, if {\tt v}, of the type {\tt z\_t}, has
+value 10, then {\tt a} will too after the instruction
+ zset(a, v);
+{\tt zset} does not necessarily make an exact
+copy of the input. If, in the example above, the
+{\tt a->alloced} is greater than or equal to
+{\tt v->used}, {\tt a->alloced} and {\tt a->chars}
+are preserved, of course, the content of
+{\tt a->chars} is overridden. If however,
+{\tt a->alloced} is less then {\tt v->used},
+{\tt a->alloced} is assigned a minimal value at
+least as great as {\tt v->used} that is a power
+of 2, and {\tt a->chars} is updated accordingly
+as described in \secref{sec:Integer structure}.
+This of course does not apply if {\tt v} has the
+value 0; in such cases {\tt a->sign} is simply
+set to 0.
+{\tt zset}, {\tt zseti}, {\tt zsetu}, and
+{\tt zsets} require that the output-parameter
+has been initialised with {\tt zinit} or an
+equally acceptable method as described in
+\secref{sec:Create an integer}.
+{\tt zset} is often unnecessary, of course
+there are cases where it is need. In some case
+{\tt zswap} is enough, and advantageous.
+{\tt zswap} is defined as
+ \textcolor{c}{static inline} void
+ zswap(z_t a, z_t b)
+ \{
+ z_t t;
+ *t = *a;
+ *a = *b;
+ *b = *t;
+ \}
+however its implementation is optimised to be
+around three times. It just swaps the members
+of the parameters, and thereby the values, There
+is no rewriting of {\tt .chars} involved; thus
+it runs in constant time. It also does not
+require that any argument has be initialised.
+After the call, {\tt a} will be initialised
+if and only if {\tt b} was initialised, and
+vice versa.
+\section{String output}
+\label{sec:String output}
+Few useful things can be done without creating
+textual output of calculations. To convert a
+{\tt z\_t} to ASCII string in decimal, we use the
+function {\tt zstr}, declared as
+ char *zstr(z_t a, char *buf, size_t n);
+{\tt zstr} will store the string it creates into
+{\tt buf} and return {\tt buf}. However, if {\tt buf}
+is {\tt NULL}, a new memory segment is allocated
+and returned. {\tt n} should be at least the length
+of the resulting string sans NUL termiantion, but
+not larger than the allocation size of {\tt buf}
+minus 1 byte for NUL termiantion. If {\tt buf} is
+{\tt NULL}, {\tt n} may be 0. However if {\tt buf}
+is not {\tt NULL}, it is unsafe to let {\tt n} be
+0, unless {\tt buf} has been allocated by {\tt zstr}
+for a value of {\tt a} at least as larger as the
+value of {\tt a} in the new call to {\tt zstr}.
+Combining non-\texttt{NULL} {\tt buf} with 0 {\tt n}
+is unsafe because {\tt zstr} will use a very fast
+formula for calculating a value that is at least
+as large as the resulting output length, rather
+than the exact length.
+The length of the string output by {\tt zstr} can
+be predicted by {\tt zstr\_length}, decleared as
+ size_t zstr_length(z_t a, unsigned long long int radix);
+It will calculated the length of {\tt a} represented
+in radix {\tt radix}, sans NUL termination. If
+{\tt radix} is 10, the length for a decimal
+representation is calculated.
+Sometimes it is possible to never allocate a {\tt buf}
+for {\tt zstr}. For example, in an implementation
+of {\tt factor}, you can reuse the string of the
+value to factorise, since all of its factors are
+guaranteed to be no longer than the factored value.
+ void
+ factor(char *value)
+ \{
+ size_t n = strlen(value);
+ z_t product, factor;
+ zsets(product, value);
+ printf("\%s:", value);
+ while (next_factor(product, factor))
+ printf(" \%s", zstr(factor, value, n));
+ printf("\verb|\|n");
+ \}
+Other times it is possible to allocate just
+once, for example of creating a sorted output.
+In such cases, the allocation can be done almost
+ void
+ output_presorted_decending(z_t *list, size_t n)
+ \{
+ char *buf = NULL;
+ while (n--)
+ printf("\%s\verb|\|n", (buf = zstr(*list++, buf, 0)));
+ \}
+Note, this example assumes that all values are
+libzahl defines four functions for comparing
+integers: {\tt zcmp}, {\tt zcmpi}, {\tt zcmpu},
+and {\tt zcmpmag}. These follow the same naming
+convention as {\tt zset}, {\tt zseti}, and
+{\tt zsetu}, as described in \secref{sec:Assignment}.
+{\tt zcmpmag} compares the absolute value, the
+magnitude, rather than the proper value. These
+functions are declared as
+ int zcmp(z_t a, z_t b);
+ int zcmpi(z_t a, int64_t b);
+ int zcmpu(z_t a, uint64_t b);
+ int zcmpmag(z_t a, z_t b);
+They behave similar to {\tt memcmp} and
+{\tt strcmp}.\footnote{And {\tt wmemcmp} and
+{\tt wcscmp} if you are into that mess.}
+The return value is defined
+ \mbox{sgn}(a - b) =
+ \left \lbrace \begin{array}{rl}
+ -1 & \quad \textrm{if}~a < b \\
+ 0 & \quad \textrm{if}~a = b \\
+ +1 & \quad \textrm{if}~a > b
+ \end{array} \right .
+for {\tt zcmp}, {\tt zcmpi}, and {\tt zcmpu}.
+The return for {\tt zcmpmag} value is defined
+ \mbox{sgn}(\lvert a \rvert - \lvert b \rvert) =
+ \left \lbrace \begin{array}{rl}
+ -1 & \quad \textrm{if}~\lvert a \rvert < \lvert b \rvert \\
+ 0 & \quad \textrm{if}~\lvert a \rvert = \lvert b \rvert \\
+ +1 & \quad \textrm{if}~\lvert a \rvert > \lvert b \rvert
+ \end{array} \right .
+It is discouraged, stylistically, to compare
+against, $-1$ and $+1$, rather, you should
+always compare against $0$. Think of it as
+returning $a - b$, or $\lvert a \rvert - \lvert b \rvert$
+in the case of {\tt zcmpmag}.
+libzahl is designed to provide efficient communication
+for multi-processes applications, including running on
+multiple nodes on a cluster computer. However, these
+facilities require that it is known that all processes
+run the same version of libzahl, and run on compatible
+microarchitectures, that is, the processors must have
+endianness, and the intrinsic integer types in C must
+have the same widths on all processors. When this is not
+the case, string conversion (see \secref{sec:Assignment}
+and \secref{sec:String output}), but when it is the case
+{\tt zsave} and {\tt zload} can be used. {\tt zsave} and
+{\tt zload} are declared as
+ size_t zsave(z_t a, char *buf);
+ size_t zload(z_t a, const char *buf);
+{\tt zsave} stores a version- and microarchitecture-depend
+binary representation of {\tt a} in {\tt buf}, and returns
+the number of bytes written to {\tt buf}. If {\tt buf} is
+{\tt NULL}, the numbers that will be written is returned.
+{\tt zload} unmarshals an integers from {\tt buf}, created
+with {\tt zsave}, into {\tt a}, and returns the number of
+read bytes. {\tt zload} and will return the value returned
+by {\tt zsave}.
diff --git a/doc/what-is-libzahl.tex b/doc/what-is-libzahl.tex
index cf74c38..46998bc 100644
--- a/doc/what-is-libzahl.tex
+++ b/doc/what-is-libzahl.tex
_AT_@ -117,16 +117,16 @@ rather than
 This can be compared to
 $sum \gets augend + addend$
 $augend + addend \rightarrow sum$.
 libzahl, GNU MP, and Hebimath use the output-first
 convention. LibTomMath and TomsFastMath use the
diff --git a/man/zerror.3 b/man/zerror.3
index 8bc0e53..022983d 100644
--- a/man/zerror.3
+++ b/man/zerror.3
_AT_@ -72,6 +72,15 @@ values is
+A radix less than 2 was selected, which is invalid because,
+radix 0 is impossible as there would be no digits, and radix
+1 is impossible because only the value 0 can be represented
+in radix 1. The closest matching
+.I errno
+values is
 .B zerror
 returns the error that caused libzahl a function to fail.
diff --git a/man/zload.3 b/man/zload.3
index 86d4213..d4f0173 100644
--- a/man/zload.3
+++ b/man/zload.3
_AT_@ -24,10 +24,6 @@ must have been initialized with
 The number of bytes read from
 .IR buf .
-On failure, 0 is returned.
-This function may failure for any reason specified for
-.BR realloc (3).
 .BR zinit (3),
 .BR zsave (3),
diff --git a/man/zstr_length.3 b/man/zstr_length.3
index 3101756..7d2dd7a 100644
--- a/man/zstr_length.3
+++ b/man/zstr_length.3
_AT_@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ in the selected
 The number of digits requires to represent
 .I a
-i the selected
+in the selected
 .I radix
 is returned.
diff --git a/src/zstr_length.c b/src/zstr_length.c
index 16638e6..869dbc5 100644
--- a/src/zstr_length.c
+++ b/src/zstr_length.c
_AT_@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ size_t
 zstr_length(z_t a, unsigned long long int radix)
         size_t size_total = 1, size_temp;
+ if (radix < 2)
+ libzahl_failure(-ZERROR_INVALID_RADIX);
         zset(num, a);
         while (!zzero(num)) {
                 zsetu(mag, radix);
diff --git a/zahl.h b/zahl.h
index 0ca0565..b224338 100644
--- a/zahl.h
+++ b/zahl.h
_AT_@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ enum zerror {
         ZERROR_0_POW_0, /* Indeterminate form: 0:th power of 0. (Translatable to EDOM.) */
         ZERROR_0_DIV_0, /* Indeterminate form: 0 divided by 0. (Translatable to EDOM.) */
         ZERROR_DIV_0, /* Undefined result: Division by 0. (Translatable to EDOM.) */
- ZERROR_NEGATIVE /* Argument must be non-negative. (Translatable to EDOM or EINVAL.) */
+ ZERROR_NEGATIVE, /* Argument must be non-negative. (Translatable to EDOM or EINVAL.) */
+ ZERROR_INVALID_RADIX /* Radix must be at least 2. (Translatable to EINVAL.) */
Received on Wed May 11 2016 - 16:11:08 CEST

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