(wrong string) ée

From: <git_AT_suckless.org>
Date: Sat, 14 May 2016 17:44:49 +0200 (CEST)

commit 4ff3671b42f011862ab7a8c6b8ddf66780a2054b
Author: Mattias Andrée <maandree_AT_kth.se>
AuthorDate: Sat May 14 16:40:46 2016 +0200
Commit: Mattias Andrée <maandree_AT_kth.se>
CommitDate: Sat May 14 16:48:57 2016 +0200

    On bit-shifting
    Signed-off-by: Mattias Andrée <maandree_AT_kth.se>

diff --git a/doc/bit-operations.tex b/doc/bit-operations.tex
index 83a08ed..3f2938d 100644
--- a/doc/bit-operations.tex
+++ b/doc/bit-operations.tex
_AT_@ -25,7 +25,63 @@ TODO % zand zor zxor znot
-TODO % zlsh zrsh
+There are two functions for shifting bits
+in integers:
+ void zlsh(z_t r, z_t a, size_t b);
+ void zrsh(z_t r, z_t a, size_t b);
+{\tt zlsh} performs a left-shift, and {\tt zrsh}
+performs a right-shift. That is, {\tt zlsh} adds
+{\tt b} trailing binary zeroes, and {\tt zrsh}
+removes the lowest {\tt b} binary digits. So if
+$a = \phantom{00}10000101_2$ then
+$r = 1000010100_2$ after calling {\tt zlsh(r, a, 2)}, and
+$r = \phantom{0100}100001_2$ after calling {\tt zrsh(r, a, 2)}.
+{\tt zlsh(r, a, b)} is equivalent to $r \gets a \cdot 2^b$,
+and {\tt zrsh(r, a, b)} is equivalent to
+$r \gets \lfloor a \div 2^b \rfloor$, {\tt zlsh} and
+{\tt zrsh} are significantly faster than {\tt zpowu}
+and should be used whenever possible. {\tt zpowu}
+does not check if it is possible for it to use {\tt zlsh}
+instead, even if it would, {\tt zlsh} and {\tt zrsh}
+would still be preferable in most cases because it
+removes the need for {\tt zmul} and {\tt zdiv},
+{\tt zlsh} and {\tt zrsh} are implemented in two steps:
+(1) shift whole characters, that is, groups of aligned
+64 bits, and (2) shift on a bit-level between characters.
+If you are implementing a calculator, you may want to
+create a wrapper for {\tt zpow} that uses {\tt zlsh}
+whenever possible. One such wrapper could be
+ void
+ pow(z_t r, z_t a, z_t b)
+ \{
+ size_t s1, s2;
+ if ((s1 = zlsb(a)) + 1 == zbits(a) &&
+ zbits(b) <= 8 * sizeof(SIZE_MAX)) \{
+ s2 = zzero(b) ? 0 : b->chars[0];
+ if (s1 <= SIZE_MAX / s2) \{
+ zsetu(r, 1);
+ zlsh(r, r, s1 * s2);
+ return;
+ \}
+ \}
+ zpow(r, a, b);
+ \}
Received on Sat May 14 2016 - 17:44:49 CEST

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