On Thu, 24 Jan 2019 10:33:56 +0100
Axel Svensson <mail_AT_axelsvensson.com> wrote:
Hey Axel,
> I noticed that st does not update its keyboard mapping when it is
> changed, e.g. by xmodmap.
> Please see fix at https://uxu.se/st-xRefreshKBM-20190124-3be4cf1.diff
just for posterity's sake, I attached the diff to this response. No
offense, but I don't think this link will work in 5 years, and next
time, feel free to just attach it.
The diff looks good to me, but maybe there are objections by somebody
more familiar with X11-signals.
With best regards
Laslo Hunhold
Laslo Hunhold <dev_AT_frign.de>
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Received on Thu Jan 24 2019 - 13:05:47 CET