Re: [hackers] [st][PATCH] ST: Add WM_ICON_NAME property support

From: John Collis <>
Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2020 10:10:01 +0000


The WM_ICON_NAME is often used in X programs as a shorter Title name.
Originally some window managers would use this as the text for an Icon to
represent the running program, these days it's more likely to be used in a
taskbar. Some shells will have a different configuration to set the
WM_ICON_NAME to a shorter string, thatn the WM_NAME which is often used
for the text in the title bar on the window. Previously in "st", the
standard xterm escape sequences for both, were being set to the WM_NAME
Xwindows atom. This patch allows for either both or one, to follow the way
that xterm and other terminal emulators do, so that the shell or program
can set them seperately.

Hopefully this is clearer??


On Sun, 6 Sep 2020, Hiltjo Posthuma wrote:

> Hi,
> Could you give a (short) description what you use this feature for in st?
> Alternatively you can add the patch to the wiki.
> Thanks,

John Collis -
Software Engineering Team Leader
Allied Telesis Labs Ltd.
New Zealand
Received on Sun Sep 06 2020 - 12:10:01 CEST

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