When the `anysize' patch from st and the `moveresize' patch from dwm are
combined and an st window is moved in any direction, it expands
horizontally and vertically when it should only move.
This is using (default) `moveresize' offsets of 25 and `anysize'
borderpx = 8.
I've tested this with the following patches:
running on the following versions of the respective programs:
st 0.8.4
I've attached a compressed mkv file demonstrating the problem
(please ignore the flickering - it is my compositor).
I haven't got a fix for this, will read the patches and see what I can
do (if anything at all). I'm pretty sure the issue is in `anysize' and
not `moveresize'.
Please let me know if I can be of any help or more information is needed.
- Finn.
Received on Fri Oct 02 2020 - 19:56:59 CEST