On Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 08:52:27PM +0200, José Miguel Sánchez García wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm currently serving my static webpage with quark. I want to add some
> CGI, but the opinion here about CGI support in the server is pretty
> low. I'm trying to update the basecgi patch, but the latest changes
> adding interruptibility seem to complicate the design (the goals of
> these two are kinda opposite to what CGI does right? I mean, these are
> about memory-bounded operation and CGI scripts can generate
> arbitrarily long data, which must be known before even generating the
> response header). I have no experience with HTTP whatsoever, so I want
> to hear better-informed opinions ;)
> About authentication, I think it is a pretty useful feature. I'll
> investigate how to implement it properly (abusing file system
> ownership/permissions, through a table of auth realms in config.h,
> command line parameters... Again, I'd like to hear more opinions) and
> upload it as a patch. Is it interesting enough to include it upstream?
> Best regards.
> José Miguel
Hi Miguel,
I'd use HTTP Basic Auth. It's just a simple HTTP header.
Kind regards,
Received on Thu Oct 22 2020 - 21:42:20 CEST