Re: [hackers] [dmenu][patch] freebsd support

From: Quentin Rameau <>
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2024 08:23:41 +0200

Hola o/

> Hi, this is just a small patch to the dmenu's file for it to
> build on FreeBSD. It follows the same "OpenBSD (uncomment)"
> configuration style in
> Is this of any interest? I have also made these small patches for dwm,
> slock and slstatus as well. All of these programs are in the FreeBSD
> ports, so someone must have already done this without submitting it to
> upstream? Hence the question if this is relevant.

Why not,

though ${PREFIX}/lib and ${PREFIX}/include
actually depends on user-provided path (PREFIX),
I'm not sure that's what you actually want.

Also, if I understand your objective here,
it seems that /usr/(local/)lib and include
would already be part of the system compiler
internal path lookup, wouldn't it?

Finally, it seems that #MANPREFIX = ${PREFIX}/man
for OpenBSD is wrong, this should be the same
as the default one ($(PREFIX)/share/man).

So, maybe we could just have a shared entry
between Open and Free (and Net) BSDs, for
#FREETYPEINC = $(X11INC)/freetype2

What do you think?

> Thank you!

Thank you for the patch :)
Received on Tue Jun 04 2024 - 08:23:41 CEST

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