Re: [hackers] [dmenu][patch] freebsd support

From: Страхиња Радић <>
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2024 22:13:20 +0200

Дана 24/06/04 10:05PM, Страхиња Радић написа:
> The default MANPREFIX on OpenBSD is $(PREFIX)/man[1], in contrast to
> GNU/Linux, which has it at $(PREFIX)/share/man. This confused me as
> well a bit, at first. In my projects, I also made the commented
> OpenBSD-specific MANPREFIX macros.

To clarify, on OpenBSD it is expected that non-system software, such as
the one compiled by the user from source, will have PREFIX set to
/usr/local, and not /usr. In contrast to this, for example PKGBUILDs in
Arch Linux usually set PREFIX to /usr.
Received on Tue Jun 04 2024 - 22:13:20 CEST

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