[news] Release of dmenu, dwm, ii, sic, slock, st and tabbed

From: Hiltjo Posthuma <hiltjo_AT_codemadness.org>
Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2022 21:30:37 +0200

Hello fellow peoples of the internets,

I would like to announce the following project releases:

* dmenu 5.2
* dwm 6.4
* ii 2.0
* sic 1.3
* slock 1.5
* st 0.9
* tabbed 0.7

Some notable highlights:

* For dmenu there have been some performance improvements for some large inputs.
* For dwm and dmenu the workaround for a crash with color emojis which affected
  some systems is now removed. This is now fixed in libXft 2.3.5:
  So make sure to update libXft or update your system configuration.
* ii now cleans up all "in" fifo files when closed unexpectedly.
* There are the usual code improvements, nitpicks, documentation improvements, etc.

I would like to thank anyone that has send patches,

Kind regards,
Received on Sat Oct 08 2022 - 21:30:37 CEST

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