[wiki] surf:history patche

From: tknv <rreedd555_AT_gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 23:39:48 +0700


I am not sure it is correct or not.
I think now not much people use surf only, use it with tabbed.
Maybe at that time users will not use surf-id.
So I would like to explain without surf-id by in-line of

(1) Write a small shell script.
No need.

(2) Modify config.h and add the following.
#define HISTORY { .v = (char *[]){ "/bin/sh", "-c", \
        "xprop -id $0 -f _SURF_GO 8s -set _SURF_GO \
        `cat ~/.surf/history | sort -ru | dmenu -l 10 -b -i || exit0`", \
        winid, NULL } }

and in static Key keys[] add:
        { MODKEY, GDK_Return, spawn, HISTORY},

I checked it on surf-0.4.1.


Received on Sun Nov 27 2011 - 17:39:48 CET

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