[wiki] [sites] Refer people to the README for the list of supported tools in sbase and ubase || sin

From: <git_AT_suckless.org>
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 13:58:38 +0200

commit 1f59f37076c88427cbcf2a16f8b700e38767f834
Author: sin <sin_AT_2f30.org>
Date: Thu Oct 16 12:57:55 2014 +0100

    Refer people to the README for the list of supported tools in sbase and ubase
    It is a PITA to maintain these lists separately.

diff --git a/tools.suckless.org/sbase.md b/tools.suckless.org/sbase.md
index e9fe1c3..ed7d2bc 100644
--- a/tools.suckless.org/sbase.md
+++ b/tools.suckless.org/sbase.md
_AT_@ -3,82 +3,14 @@ sbase
 sbase is a collection of unix tools that are inherently portable
 across UNIX and UNIX-like systems.
-The following programs are currently implemented:
-* basename
-* cal
-* cat
-* chgrp
-* chmod
-* chown
-* chroot
-* cksum
-* cmp
-* cols
-* comm
-* cp
-* cut
-* date
-* dirname
-* du
-* echo
-* env
-* expand
-* false
-* fold
-* grep
-* head
-* hostname
-* kill
-* ln
-* ls
-* md5sum
-* mkdir
-* mkfifo
-* mktemp
-* mv
-* nice
-* nl
-* nohup
-* paste
-* printenv
-* printf
-* pwd
-* readlink
-* renice
-* rm
-* rmdir
-* sleep
-* setsid
-* sort
-* split
-* sponge
-* strings
-* sync
-* tail
-* tar
-* tee
-* test
-* touch
-* tr
-* true
-* tty
-* uudecode
-* uuencode
-* uname
-* unexpand
-* uniq
-* unlink
-* seq
-* sha1sum
-* sha256sum
-* sha512sum
-* wc
-* xargs
-* yes
-The overall SLOC is about 6kSLOC, so this userland is about the same size as GNU ls.
+For a list of tools that are currently implemented, please refer
+to the [README](http://git.suckless.org/sbase/tree/README).
 * <code>git clone [http://git.suckless.org/sbase](http://git.suckless.org/sbase)</code>
+E-mail [sin_AT_2f30.org](mailto:sin_AT_2f30.org) or post your issue to the
+[dev_AT_suckless.org](mailto:dev_AT_suckless.org) mailing list.
diff --git a/tools.suckless.org/ubase.md b/tools.suckless.org/ubase.md
index e7d5e99..df88b41 100644
--- a/tools.suckless.org/ubase.md
+++ b/tools.suckless.org/ubase.md
_AT_@ -3,53 +3,8 @@ ubase
 ubase is a collection of tools similar in spirit to util-linux but
 much simpler.
-The following programs are currently implemented:
-* chvt
-* clear
-* ctrlaltdel
-* dd
-* df
-* dmesg
-* eject
-* fallocate
-* free
-* freeramdisk
-* fsfreeze
-* getty
-* halt
-* hwclock
-* id
-* insmod
-* killall5
-* login
-* lsmod
-* lsusb
-* mesg
-* mknod
-* mkswap
-* mount
-* mountpoint
-* pagesize
-* passwd
-* pidof
-* pivot_root
-* ps
-* readahead
-* respawn
-* rmmod
-* stat
-* su
-* swapoff
-* swapon
-* switch_root
-* sysctl
-* truncate
-* umount
-* unshare
-* uptime
-* watch
-* who
+For a list of tools that are currently implemented, please refer
+to the [README](http://git.suckless.org/ubase/tree/README).
Received on Thu Oct 16 2014 - 13:58:38 CEST

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