Re: [wiki] [style] Update style

From: David Phillips <>
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2015 13:57:45 +1300

Just my opinions:

"iff" means "if and only if" and was not a typo.

Not sure what your changes to the if block example is meant to indicate?

I see no need to provide examples for:

* declaring functions static if used only within the current translation unit
* placing the '*' adjacent to the variable name rather than the type

These are very much self-explanatory. Someone who doesn't understand
these really has no need to read the style guide.

It's superfluous to state "Never mix indentation with tabs and
spaces", since we've already said to use tabs for indentation and
spaces for alignment.

Received on Wed Oct 07 2015 - 02:57:45 CEST

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