[wiki] [sites] add a note for using ii for tls channels || Josuah Demangeon

From: <git_AT_suckless.org>
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2018 20:02:39 +0100

commit 5543405891615c031bafd22be39f73c67d2dfeb9
Author: Josuah Demangeon <mail_AT_josuah.net>
Date: Sat Feb 10 01:54:21 2018 +0100

    add a note for using ii for tls channels

diff --git a/tools.suckless.org/ii/usage.md b/tools.suckless.org/ii/usage.md
index c9720dd6..0d3fc132 100644
--- a/tools.suckless.org/ii/usage.md
+++ b/tools.suckless.org/ii/usage.md
_AT_@ -56,3 +56,30 @@ hysteria
 [lchat](https://github.com/younix/lchat) is a line oriented terminal font-end.
+To connect to a TLS/SSL encrypted channel, it is possible to use the [SSL patch](/patches/ssl) or a proxy:
+[stunnel](https://www.stunnel.org/) is a proxy for an unencrypted TCP connection to TLS:
+In `/etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf`:
+ [irc.oftc.net]
+ accept =<your-port>
+ connect = irc.oftc.net:6697
+[inetd](http://man.openbsd.org/inetd) listens on multiple TCP ports and can connect a program standard input and output to a TCP socket.
+This enables it to act as a simple proxy using any command line TLS client, such as [openssl s_client](http://man.openbsd.org/openssl#S_CLIENT), [brssl client](https://bearssl.org/gitweb/?p=BearSSL;a=blob;f=tools/brssl.c;h=91372b09f42149a503f9d13db0b78cf0a123611e;hb=HEAD#l43), nc -ssl, socat... or any other:
+In `/etc/services`:
+ irc-oftc <your port>/tcp
+In `/etc/inetd.conf`:
+ irc-oftc stream tcp nowait nobody /usr/bin/openssl openssl s_client -quiet -connect irc.oftc.net:6697
+Then a proxy should be available at localhost:<your port> for ii to connect to:
+ ii -s -p <your port>
Received on Sun Feb 11 2018 - 20:02:39 CET

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