[wiki] [sites] dmenu/scripts: sort alphabetically & add dmenu_pass script || efe

From: <git_AT_suckless.org>
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2018 03:15:27 +0100

commit 4aee3f5a8133569c841d19e8a706a6ca8526f644
Author: efe <efe_AT_efe.kim>
Date: Sat Dec 29 21:00:59 2018 -0500

    dmenu/scripts: sort alphabetically & add dmenu_pass script

diff --git a/tools.suckless.org/dmenu/scripts/index.md b/tools.suckless.org/dmenu/scripts/index.md
index 6c7b8a6e..693e141a 100644
--- a/tools.suckless.org/dmenu/scripts/index.md
+++ b/tools.suckless.org/dmenu/scripts/index.md
_AT_@ -7,23 +7,30 @@ Download
 * [clipmenu](https://github.com/cdown/clipmenu): Clipboard management using dmenu
-* [passmenu](http://git.zx2c4.com/password-store/tree/contrib/dmenu): get password from pass.
-* [mpdmenu](https://github.com/cdown/mpdmenu): Music management using dmenu
-* [passmenu2](passmenu2): "pass" browser, vertical display and recursive "pass" folder support
-* [run-recent](run-recent) : List recent commands first. End a command
- with ";" to run it in e terminal.
- [source](https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=56646&p=12)
-* [todo](todo): one task per line. Write a new task, or valid an old
- task to remove it.
-* [dmenu_path_recent](https://github.com/ema/dotfiles/blob/master/bin/dmenu_path)
- : dmenu_path implementation listing recent commands first. Similar to
+* [dbdb.sh](dbdb.sh): dmenu-based directory browser
+* [dbrowse](https://github.com/clamiax/scripts/blob/master/src/dbrowse):
+ little files navigator
+* [dmenu_pass](http://efe.kim/files/scripts/dmenu_pass): A simpler pass menu
+ implementation (ignores subfolders).
+* [dmenu_path_recent](https://github.com/ema/dotfiles/blob/master/bin/dmenu_path):
+ dmenu_path implementation listing recent commands first. Similar to
   [run-recent](run-recent), but it uses atime to find recently executed commands
   rather than a cache. As such, it also takes into account programs executed from
   the terminal.
-* [dbrowse](https://github.com/clamiax/scripts/blob/master/src/dbrowse):
- little files navigator
-* [dmenu_run_history](//tools.suckless.org/dmenu/scripts/dmenu_run_with_command_history) :
+* [dmenu_run_history](dmenu_run_with_command_history):
   dmenu_run alternative with command history
-* [dbdb.sh](dbdb.sh): dmenu-based directory browser
-* [via](https://github.com/xalexalex/via): simple dmenu-based launcher for apps, files, folders and shell commands
-* [dmenu_websearch](http://efe.kim/files/scripts/dmenu_websearch): browser independent address bar
+* [dmenu_websearch](http://efe.kim/files/scripts/dmenu_websearch):
+ browser independent address bar
+* [mpdmenu](https://github.com/cdown/mpdmenu): Music management using
+ dmenu
+* [passmenu](http://git.zx2c4.com/password-store/tree/contrib/dmenu):
+ get password from pass.
+* [passmenu2](passmenu2): "pass" browser, vertical display and recursive
+ "pass" folder support
+* [run-recent](run-recent) : List recent commands first. End a command
+ with ";" to run it in e terminal.
+ [source](https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=56646&p=12)
+* [todo](todo): one task per line. Write a new task, or valid an old task to
+ remove it.
+* [via](https://github.com/xalexalex/via): simple dmenu-based launcher for apps,
+ files, folders and shell commands
Received on Sun Dec 30 2018 - 03:15:27 CET

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