Re: [wmii] can't start firefox

From: Chris Foster <>
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2006 09:06:26 +1000

On Mon, Jun 05, 2006 at 05:57:52PM +0400, Philippe MONROUX wrote:
> Hi,
> Sometimes I can't launch it (it's running but I don't see it) why ?

It could be that firefox has somehow just got lost of the edge of the
screen (as long as you're starting it in floating mode). This has
happened to me plenty of times before.

To check, go to floating mode, and see if you can cycle to it using
$MODKEY-j - you'll notice that you can if there's a "gap" between
visible floating clients in the cycling order.

If that's the case, you can see where it is by running something like
sleep 2 && wmiir read /view/sel/sel/geom
from a terminal, and quickly cycling to the invisible program.

Retrieve it by writing something to /view/sel/sel/geom in a similar
sleep 2 && \
  echo "0 0 $(wmiir read /view/sel/sel/geom \
  | sed 's/^\([0-9]\+ \+\)\{2\}//')" \
  | wmiir write /view/sel/sel/geom

Received on Tue Jun 06 2006 - 01:06:38 UTC

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