[wmii] Vector-free wmii source

From: Kris Maglione <bsdaemon_AT_comcast.net>
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2006 01:02:38 -0400

For those of you who don't frequent #wmii, uriel and I have been grumbling
about the use of cext_vectors everywhere in wmii. They've become somewhat of a
ubiquitous, generic list hack. A few days ago, I rewrote all of the code that
uses vectors in wmii and libixp (except for wmiimenu, which I missed) and
replaced them with linked lists. As well, everything that previously used an
index now uses a pointer, including sel, c->sel, a->sel..., several create_*
functions, and the i1, i2 and i3 vars in fs.c. There are a few other uses of
indexes and lengths that need to be cleaned up or removed. From my testing and
uriel's, the code seems stable.

The main benefit of this change is cleaner, more readable code in almost all
circumstances (although there is still some tidying up to do in some areas),
and in most circumstances, more efficient code (for instance, fewer
unnecessary memcpys or mallocs). The side benefit is that I've saved ~10 lines
of code at last count, not including those no longer necessary in vector.c
(all 41 of them).

The lists are usually just a 'Type *next;' member in the begining of a struct,
but frames have separate links for clients and areas, and keys, as a special
case, have three links (though they're no more confusing, and certainly not
more memory intensive, than before).

My repo is public, and the address is available in /home/bsdaemon/repo on
wmii.de, in order to keep from pissing my cable company off too much. Anyone
without access to wmii.de can email me privately for the address. Hopefully,
the changes will be merged and that won't be necessary, though.

The repository also has a few other changes which I can live with or without.
I've added cext_assert, which I've used in only a few places, but which I hope
will be incorperated into more of wmii's code. I've added a va_args version of
stat_of_name which saves 30SLOC, although I'd like to see fs.c rewritten not
to need it ;). I've replaced unpack_* qid functions with a struct PackedQid
which is unioned with Qid, although I'd be just as happy to see them replaced
with macros.

Here are some uglier examples:
- unsigned int i;
- for(i = 0; i < client.size; i++) {
- Client *c = client.data[i];
- if(c->frame.size && c->frame.data[c->sel]->area) {
- if(idx_of_area(c->frame.data[c->sel]->area))
- resize_column(c, &c->frame.data[c->sel]->rect, nil);
+ Client *c;
+ for(c = client; c; c=c->next) {
+ if(c->frame && c->sel->area) {
+ if(idx_of_area(c->sel->area))
+ resize_column(c, &c->sel->rect, nil);
(here, though, index of area will be replaced. Probably with this macro:
#define is_floating(a) ((a) == ((a)->view->area))

-	unsigned int i;
-	for(i = 0; i < client.size; i++) {
-		Client *c = client.data[i];
-		if(c->frame.size && (c->frame.data[c->sel]->area->view == view.data[sel]))
+	Client *c;
+	for(c=client; c; c=c->next)
+		if(c->sel && (c->sel->area->view == sel))
-	for(i = 1; (i < v->area.size) &&
-			!blitz_ispointinrect(pt->x, pt->y, &v->area.data[i]->rect); i++);
-	if(i < v->area.size) {
-		Area *a = v->area.data[i];
-		for(j = 0; j < a->frame.size &&
-				!blitz_ispointinrect(pt->x, pt->y, &a->frame.data[j]->rect); j++);
-		if(j < a->frame.size)
-			f = a->frame.data[j];
+	for(a=v->area->next; a; a=a->next)
+			!blitz_ispointinrect(pt->x, pt->y, &a->rect);
+	if(a) {
+		for(f=a->frame; f && !blitz_ispointinrect(pt->x, pt->y, &f->rect);
+			f=f->anext);
(yes, this is semantically correct)
-			f = view.data[i1]->area.data[i2]->frame.data[i3];
-			snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", idx_of_client_id(f->client->id));
+			f = FRAME(i3);
+			snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", idx_of_client(f->client));
(here, FRAME(f) is defined as ((Frame *)(f))  )
-				if((fcall->count = strlen(view.data[i1]->area.data[i2]->frame.data[i3]->client->props)))
-					memcpy(p, view.data[i1]->area.data[i2]->frame.data[i3]->client->props, fcall->count);
+				if((fcall->count = strlen(FRAME(i3)->client->props)))
+					memcpy(p, FRAME(i3)->client->props, fcall->count);
Kris Maglione
The more elaborate and costly the equipment, the greater
the chance of having to stop at the fish market
on the way home.
Received on Thu Jun 08 2006 - 07:03:10 UTC

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