Re: [wmii] Assigning custom keybindings

From: Martin Stubenschrott <>
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2007 17:56:14 +0100

On Fri, Feb 09, 2007 at 04:30:41PM +0000, Mark Gibbens wrote:
> I'd like to customise my keybindings so they clash less with various
> applications I use. I used to use Mod4 (the "windoze" key) instead of
> Alt/Mod1, but due to a laptop change I no longer have one. I've also
> used the 'Control-i,' tip from the FAQ, but although I could live with
> this, a sequential modifier is not as fast as a single modifier key.
> Ideally, I think I'd like to try using my cursor keys for navigating,
> and punctuation keys for the wmii commands - all with Mod1 as the
> modifier.
> Is there a way I can reference my cursor/arrow keys and punctuation
> keys in my wmiirc?

Try 'xev' - it will tell you the X11 names of your keys - arrow keys are
called Up/Down, etc.. (with capital U and D).

Received on Fri Feb 09 2007 - 17:57:08 UTC

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