[wmii] New snap released: snap20070304

From: Kris Maglione <bsdaemon_AT_comcast.net>
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2007 18:25:13 -0500

Immediately after the release of the previous snap, I found an infinate
loop bug, and greatly improved the perceived speed and solidarity of
wmii. Focus changes are now shown immediately, and flickering of the
titlebar in stack and max modes, as well and on view change, are gone.

Also, I've made sure to include wmii.h this time :)

SHA1 (wmii-snap20070304.tgz) = 23bd9461137b9f2221fb2eca49d121df90f2ac9d
MD5 (wmii-snap20070304.tgz) = 9dcb4ac1ba0dffe06cca96a3d3de3f7c

Kris Maglione
If you have to ask, you are not entitled to know.

Received on Mon Mar 05 2007 - 00:25:46 UTC

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