I don't think that I like these. I'd rather be able to bind
something like M-g-k, but I can't at the moment, so here they
fn Key-$mod-g {
. wmii.rc grow
fn Key-Escape { wi_cleankeys; exit }
fn Key-$left { wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl grow sel sel left }
fn Key-$right { wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl grow sel sel right }
fn Key-$up { wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl grow sel sel up }
fn Key-$down { wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl grow sel sel down }
fn Key-$mod-s {
. wmii.rc shrink
fn Key-Escape { wi_cleankeys; exit }
fn Key-$left { wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl grow sel sel left -1 }
fn Key-$right { wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl grow sel sel right -1 }
fn Key-$up { wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl grow sel sel up -1 }
fn Key-$down { wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl grow sel sel down -1 }
M-g to grow a window, M-s to shrink it, Esc to exit resizing
mode. It's all a bit counterintuitive, but you get the idea.
-- Kris Maglione Definition of an elephant: A mouse built to goverment specifications. PGP: http://suckless.org/~jg/pubkey.pgp SHA1 (pubkey.pgp) = 2d464f9dbb186bee6f4faa88e2f6c5802bcfd935
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