[wmii] generel wmii setup

From: Yoshi Rokuko <yoshi.rokuko_AT_yokuts.org>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2008 18:49:05 +0200

hi, i now installed the latest tarball i could find

out of the box dmenu is not working because of this -b flag, if i fix
this dmenu and the action menu is working, but i was missing the "quit"

i put a quit script in $HOME/.wmii-3.5/

echo -n quit | wmiir write /ctl

and have this again (got this from man wmiir) so now i am asking myself
what is about this status script it's kind of hard coded in wmiir but
doesn't show up

i can do

> wmiir read /rbar/status
0.74 0.48 0.33 | Mi 25. Jun 18:45:59 CEST 2008

it exists, but i can't see this - please tell me what i have to do in
order to get this status show up in the bar.

Thank you


Received on Wed Jun 25 2008 - 18:49:45 UTC

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