Re: [wmii] wmii on wikipedia

From: Uriel <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2008 19:25:29 +0200

On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 12:43 PM, Robert C Corsaro <> wrote:
> Uriel wrote:
>> Oh, by the way, another reason for moving is so eventually we can also
>> provide integrated bug tracking, source browsing and other such
>> features (ala trac). This again will take some time, but
>> it will remain well integrated with the new site and nothing will need
>> to be changed around (AFAIK the new suckless site is going to be
>> purely static, which has clearly some advantages, but wont work for
>> those kinds of requirements).
>> uriel
> If you need any trac help, feel free to call on me. I maintain our internal
> trac server for about 200 projects with lots of plugins, some written by
> yours truly. I'm idling in #wmii, or you can just email me.

Thanks for the offer, but I don't think we will need help with that,
both the original trac author and the current trac maintainer are good
friends of mine (had lunch with the later last week), but I'd rather
die than touch trac with a hundred meters pole.

My idea is to add features and scripts on top of werc[1] to provide
all the trac-like features we might like (plus multi project support).



Received on Fri Jul 11 2008 - 19:25:31 UTC

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