Re: [dev][surf] Next schedule?

From: Anselm R Garbe <>
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 09:56:07 +0100

2009/9/17 Jessta <>:
> I tend to use tabs as a stack of temporary bookmarks, I navigate to a
> page and open all the links I want to see on to tabs, closed that
> pages and move through all the tabs, it pretty much makes the back
> button redundant.
> Mostly I'm just putting things on the stack or pulling them off, I
> don't tend to go back to a tab I've previously been at, so it's always
> bugged me that firefox thinks it needs to load all my tabs and keep
> them in memory constantly.
> I have this idea of a stack based browser, where instead of opening a
> new window(or tab) it just adds the link to a stack(maybe using
> vertical dmenu), that I can pull stuff off.

Well I think that we slowly realize that there is something wrong with
tabbed browsing...

Kind regards,
Received on Thu Sep 17 2009 - 08:56:07 UTC

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