Re: [dev] [wmii]: "Inhibit method failed" error on running OOImpress slide show

From: Larry Gagnon <>
Date: Sun, 09 May 2010 22:37:26 -0700

> Is there an actual problem, or do you just need to run 'ooffice
> &>/dev/null'?

> Robert Ransom

Robert: there is a problem. The OOImpress slide show will not work under
wmii as it should. When "Slide Show" is selected it just sits there and
does nothing (but does not hang OO). Those are the error messages, sending
them to null does nothing. The slide show works fine under other window
managers. It seems OO cannot put up a fullscreen slide show under wmii (on
my system anyways...).

Larry Gagnon
Received on Mon May 10 2010 - 05:37:26 UTC

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