Ah sorry my fault, accidentally I broke the line down with \.
Nice your solution is working. :)
But do you have any idea why toggling via evdev doesn't affect the
xkb_symbols line?
2010/5/27 Andreas Amann <amann_AT_physik.tu-berlin.de>:
> On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 03:25:32PM +0200, orschiro_AT_googlemail.com wrote:
>> Hello Andreas,
>> your solution is almost working. The only thing that doesn't fit is
>> the length of the output. de/pl should only by two letters but in the
>> output there are a plenty of blanks before. I assume this happens
>> because the eight digits were substituted by only two letters?
>> Better understanding:
>> xxxxxxde where 'x' stands for a blank
>> Could that be corrected to use not so much space in the bar?
> strange. What is the output of
> xset -q|sed -ne "2 s/^.*00000000/uk/ p; 2 s/^....*/de/ p"
> on command line? What is the output of
> xset -q|head -2
> for each layout?
Received on Thu May 27 2010 - 14:35:29 UTC
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