Re: [dev] Interesting post about X11

From: Mate Nagy <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 08:05:33 +0200

On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 12:46:09AM +0100, Aled Gest wrote:
> I've yet to see evidence of that in Scheme's case. If you can provide
> links to practical examples, of tools that are cleanly and efficiently
> written in Scheme, that aren't purely academic in purpose, and don't
> come with 30 pages of waffle about how great Scheme is, I'd be happy
> to take a look.
sorry, but I'm not sure that the burden of proof is on him.

Furthermore, I don't think the whole "I hate everything you said and I
don't care a bit, but mayyybe if you're real nice you can try to
convince me" shtick takes us in a productive direction.

And as a last (and unrelated) point, I would say that embracing Lispy
things, reading SICP, (writing your own eval :), et cetera makes you
write better C programs even if you never touch Lisp again. Ignorance is
never an advantage, whatever you're ignorant of.

Being proud of it is just horrible.

Best regards,
Received on Wed Jun 23 2010 - 06:05:33 UTC

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