Re: [dev] [dwm] question regarding floating clients being always on top

From: Bert Münnich <>
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2012 21:03:53 +0100

On 20.02.12, Uli Armbruster wrote:
> By default, floating clients are always on top of tiled clients. I'd
> like to change this behavior to make it possible to use floating and
> tiled clients together (either having the same tag or if multiple tags
> are selected) so the currently selected client is on top, no matter if
> it's floating or tiled.
> So, where can I find this in the source code?

The first attached patch does the trick, but only when using the
keyboard mappings (mod-[jk], focusstack).

The second one adds the behaviour for sloppy focus.


Received on Thu Feb 23 2012 - 21:03:53 CET

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