Re: [dev] new mailinglist [news] and hackers repurpose

From: v4hn <>
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2015 18:04:21 +0200

Hey everyone,

On Thu, Jun 04, 2015 at 06:22:00PM +0200, Christoph Lohmann wrote:
> 1.) There is now a news_AT_ mailinglist for package maintainers who don’t
> want to follow the discussions on dev_AT_. All new releases should be an‐
> nounced there and on dev_AT_.

Makes sense. Thank you for that.

> 2.) The purpose of hackers_AT_ has been redefined that new patches for
> projects have to be sent and discussed there.
> These changes will keep the development out of the endless support
> threads on dev_AT_ and development more enjoyable.

This is the suckless community you're talking about.
If somebody raises a support question without providing a patch,
the first five replies will usually tell him to write a patch.
Code and philosophical "development" questions go hand in hand
in this community, so I'm unsure how to draw the line between
hackers_AT_ and dev@. Also I'm unsure whether or not I should
subscribe to hackers_AT_ now, because someone might eventually
have a problem with one of the patches I contributed to suckless
in the last years or I might miss some UI change in one of the projects
I use which will break my local set of patches.

Ross' latest mails beautifully illustrate I'm not the only one with that problem.


Received on Fri Jun 05 2015 - 18:04:21 CEST

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