Re: [dev] [st] broken xft fallback with point size

From: Amer <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2016 18:31:00 +0300

> Ask the person maintaining fontconfig. St uses FcNameParse() from
> font‐ config in your case.
Christoph Lohmann, thanks for directions.
Earlier, I thought it was st-related problem, because it worked in dwm.
Now I see that st does nothing to font string, passing to Fc.

If I understood correctly, I should re-submit the same bug anew to But change marker in title to [fontconfig]?

> man st: -f font defines the font to use when st is run.
> I read font, not fonts there.

1. st genuinely supports fallback fonts more then 3 years already.
    Maybe it has flaws and not mentioned in man, but at least works.

> $ st -f 'Inconsolata:size=15' should work fine if your fontconfig
> is configured to handle Inconsolata font.

2. Bug arises only from combination of fallback and 'size' key.
    Not many other keys, nor without fallback. It has nothing to do
    with configured system-wide fontconfig, concrete fonts or
    whatsoever. Then why mention that trivial case?
Received on Tue Apr 19 2016 - 17:31:00 CEST

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