Re: [dev] dwm window resize doesn't work too well

From: Cág <>
Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2016 23:38:44 +0300

Britton Kerin wrote:

> Sometimes I can gracefully resize st windows, sometimes
> only by a jerk or two and then the grab seems to die.‎

> Window movement, even by the very edges of
> the window, doesn't have these problems.

Hello there,

I've never really experienced something like that,
partly because I don't use floating. This may sound
silly, but does your resize mouse button work well?

When I was a filthy pimply teen, I used to forget
to clean my keyboard and mouse, which caused them
to function improperly (hopefully that's not the case :D).

Received on Thu Jun 09 2016 - 22:38:44 CEST

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