I'm trying to use `tabbed` for embedding my `st` terminal and my `emacsclient`. I've got everything working, with a script that spawns `tabbed`, and embeds a tab for `st` and another tab for `emacsclient -nc`.
However, I've found that I can't open files from `st` inside my `emacsclient`. In particular, I've given the command `emacsclient -n .xinitrc && emacsclient --eval "(x-focus-frame nil)"`, which should open `.xinitrc` in an existing `emacsclient` frame and focus on that frame. It appears that `emacsclient` is focused after I invoke the command, but the `tabbed` top bar shows that `st` is still the selected tab, and my keyboard inputs were going to `st` rather than `emacsclient`. I'd have to manually click the `emacsclient` tab to make it respond to my keyboard inputs.
I'm on `b5f9ec647aae2d9a1d3bd586eb7523a4e0a329a3` right now with the following `config.h`:
I feel like I'm going to be using tabbed a lot, so if someone can point me in the right direction, I'd be happy to investigate and upload a patch.
Carl Dong
Received on Tue Apr 10 2018 - 08:45:58 CEST