Re: [dev] [st] Cannot redraw the screen properly

From: Martin Tournoij <>
Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2019 02:53:36 -0500

On Mon, Mar 4, 2019, at 19:13, Enan Ajmain wrote:
> Hi,
> When using ST with tmux, I might split the termial which pushes the
> original split left or up. Then there is a part of the bash prompt
> right after where my cursor is. This behaviour is not reproducible.
> Sometimes it happens on the old split, sometimes on the new split. As
> I start to type the new characters replace the *ghost* characters!
> Recently, I've customized my tmux statusline to show an indicator when
> I press prefix button. So, in normal conditions, the statusline
> doesn't show the indicator but when I press prefix, there shows up a
> red box with the word `PREFIX` in it. Anyway, then when the indicator
> goes away, it leaves a part of the word behind. This time it's not
> full characters. In this case, it leaves of little bits and pieces.
> The case with the tmux statusline is not that important, it shows only
> bits of dots and dashes. But when it happens with the normal tmux
> splits, it becomes bothersome. I can't ensure if the problem is with
> tmux, since I cannot reproduce it every time, it's inconsistent.
> Any idea how to fix it?
> If required, my fork of ST is here:

Enan, this is the third time you've sent the exact same message in as
many days.

If no one replies then that's probably because no one is able to give
you an answer. I appreciate that it sucks that you're having a problem,
but repeatedly spamming the list with the same message is considered to
be quite rude. So please stop doing that.

Either way, I have not seen the problems you're having, or seen reports
of it. It's possible that it's in your "fork" of st and it would help
increase the chances of getting an answer if you could reproduce the
problem with the mainstream st, or at least isolate the problem to a
specific change you made.

Creating a clear method of reproduction would also help. I understand
it's an intermittent problem, but the tmux statusline is just terminal
drawing characters, so a script to output those might be able to
reproduce the problem.

Good luck.
Received on Mon Mar 04 2019 - 08:53:36 CET

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