On 10/30/22 13:36, NRK wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 30, 2022 at 12:50:54PM -0700, Anskrevy wrote:
>> And here is my valgrind output
>> https://gist.github.com/Anskrevy/b981453fb7fbe3fb410ac1dd883d23ad
> Looking at the backtrace it doesn't seem like it generated anywhere from
> libsl (or your program)
> ==2726510== 288 (256 direct, 32 indirect) bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 192 of 320
> ==2726510== at 0x4841888: malloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)
> ==2726510== by 0x49E9F25: FcPatternObjectInsertElt (fcpat.c:525)
> ==2726510== by 0x49EE180: FcPatternObjectAddWithBinding (fcpat.c:711)
> ==2726510== by 0x49FC079: UnknownInlinedFun (fcpat.c:1258)
> ==2726510== by 0x49FC079: UnknownInlinedFun (fcxml.c:3109)
> ==2726510== by 0x49FC079: FcEndElement (fcxml.c:3234)
> ==2726510== by 0x4D2E61E: doContent (xmlparse.c:3047)
> ==2726510== by 0x4D2BCB3: UnknownInlinedFun (xmlparse.c:2612)
> ==2726510== by 0x4D2BCB3: doProlog (xmlparse.c:4893)
> ==2726510== by 0x4D2D7CC: prologProcessor (xmlparse.c:4598)
> ==2726510== by 0x4D31879: XML_ParseBuffer (xmlparse.c:2009)
> ==2726510== by 0x49F67E4: FcConfigParseAndLoadFromMemoryInternal.lto_priv.0 (fcxml.c:3544)
> ==2726510== by 0x49F7136: _FcConfigParse.lto_priv.0 (fcxml.c:3679)
> ==2726510== by 0x49F7319: UnknownInlinedFun (fcxml.c:3447)
> ==2726510== by 0x49F7319: _FcConfigParse.lto_priv.0 (fcxml.c:3638)
> ==2726510== by 0x49FA2F5: UnknownInlinedFun (fcxml.c:2606)
> ==2726510== by 0x49FA2F5: FcEndElement (fcxml.c:3156)
> In any case, I don't think libsl should call FcFini because we don't
> know if the user is done with fontconfig or not and the FcFini
> documentation states [0]:
> | Frees all data structures allocated by previous calls to fontconfig
> | functions. Fontconfig returns to an uninitialized state, requiring a new
> | call to one of the FcInit functions before any other fontconfig function
> | may be called.
> The last line (requiring a new...before any other functions may be called)
> makes me question if it's even okay that fontconfig functions are being
> called without initializing the library.
> ST calls FcInit during setup [1], dmenu/dwm doesn't. Maybe they should ?
> I'm not really sure, the fontconfig documentation doesn't seem to say
> anywhere (aside from that line in FcFini docs) weather initialization is
> required or not.
> [0]: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/fontconfig-devel/fcfini.html
> [1]: https://git.suckless.org/st/file/x.c.html#l1144
> - NRK
> Looking at the backtrace it doesn't seem like it generated anywhere from
> libsl (or your program)
Very true. That made me consider filing an issue in the fontconfig repo.
But then I saw the documentation on FcFini and after adding that my
leak was gone.
> In any case, I don't think libsl should call FcFini
Agreed. However, I do think a comment about it is worth considering.
Received on Tue Nov 01 2022 - 20:57:05 CET