Re: [dwm] placement of tags on titles

From: Kurt Maier <>
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 13:59:25 -0500

> I look at the titles is my eyes jumps to the different colour of
> the title bar, then focus, then have to jump again when I consciously
> remember it's the tag that comes first.

I would say it'll be harder to read with the tags on the right and the
title on the left. As it stands, the title box is "anchored" to the
corner of the window. As you add or remove tags, the title stays in
the same place relative to the window. If you were to put the title
on the left, you'd find yourself having to "search" for the title
depending on how many tags are attached to that specific window.

Just my two cents.

Received on Tue Aug 22 2006 - 20:59:27 UTC

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