Re: [dwm] === seems to be no stayer

From: Ross Mohn <>
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2006 14:32:05 -0400

On Thu, 2006-10-05 at 18:46 +0200, Anselm R. Garbe wrote:
> I think that the stack position toggling might not stay in
> future releases. I rarely used it during last days, because
> I noticed that it scales on screens with W > H poorly.
> It might be of use in XRandR setups like tablet PCs, but in
> those scenarios it is still questionable.
> I'm not either sure the StackLeft-thing will stay, because a
> dual head setup with separate dwm instances is quite limited
> compared to xinerama. dwm is a window manager for single head
> setups with W > H. This is where I use it and those who adapted
> to my usage patterns. I also prefer this 21" display with
> 2000x1200 pixels to all those dual head setups.

It would be sad if stack position toggling were removed from the main
branch. It is quite useful to many people, and scales as well as
necessary for us. I hope to some day have a 21" 2000x1200px display, but
I believe I would still use it then. I have gotten feedback that people
are using bottom stack as their default layout on their laptop. I have a
17" at home and a 19" at work, and while the right stack is my
predominant layout, the bottom stack is a very important view.

P.S. If bottom stack is removed, I will continue to supply my patch.
Received on Thu Oct 05 2006 - 20:32:16 UTC

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