* Joerg van den Hoff <j.van_den_hoff_AT_fzd.de> [080304 18:50]:
> > > question 2: is there a chance for real tabbing support (this
> > > would seem more important than xinerama support to me)? or
> > > at least a workspace (tag) specfic decision whether tiling
> > > _or_ tabbing is used for arranging windows? and, if tabbing
> > > is "on", some information in the status bar about _all_
> > > windows in the current tab?
> >
> > Like this http://omploader.org/vZHZz ? I posted a patch some
> > time ago, you can google for it.
> yes, exactly. but googling (e.g. for `dwm tabbing polakov')
> did not yield anything useful, I'm afraid (or my vision is
> impaired).
here it was
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=dwm tabbar &lr=
but rootshell.be where it was hosted had been wiped during
I don't have the patch for dwm 4.7 now, but you can try to
extract it from http://tinyurl.com/2hh388. It's a branch
with monocle, nmaster, tabbar, xft and scratchpads based
on dwm-4.4.
-- Alexander Polakov | http://polachok.livejournal.comReceived on Tue Mar 04 2008 - 17:21:20 UTC
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