Re: [hackers] [PATCH 1/1] Add support for user-defined fallback fonts

From: Eric Pruitt <>
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2024 14:55:12 -0700

On Tue, Sep 03, 2024 at 02:55:48PM +0200, Storkman wrote:
> You could also override it in your FontConfig font config, if you have
> the patience to deal with the syntax...
> <match><test name="prgname"><string>st</string></test>
> <edit name="family" mode="delete_all"/>
> <edit name="family" mode="append"><string>Input Sans</string></edit>
> <edit name="family" mode="append"><string>Sarasa Term J</string></edit>
> <edit name="family" mode="append"><string>Unifont</string></edit>
> <edit name="pixelsize" mode="assign"><int>13</int></edit>
> </match>

Thanks for pointing this out. I didn't know about prgname name. It looks
like this was added in 2013, so it didn't exist when I last tried to
configure fonts on a per-application basis using fonts.conf, and I
haven't followed fontconfig development in the years since.

Received on Tue Sep 03 2024 - 23:55:12 CEST

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