[wiki] [sites] Changed tmux references to suckless alternatives in st's goal page || Raphaël Proust

From: <git_AT_suckless.org>
Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 11:50:13 +0200

commit 53d4cfb3b88597972c3aa35274ef0315bc8d1ec6
Author: Raphaël Proust <raphlalou_AT_gmail.com>
Date: Thu May 16 10:49:26 2013 +0100

    Changed tmux references to suckless alternatives in st's goal page

diff --git a/st.suckless.org/goals.md b/st.suckless.org/goals.md
index 104121d..df83e5d 100644
--- a/st.suckless.org/goals.md
+++ b/st.suckless.org/goals.md
_AT_@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ Non-goals
 - filters that change colour (should be done by tmux or something doing the
   higher layers *in* st)
-- server to save sessions in case of X crash (should be done by tmux)
-- unlimited scrollback buffer (done by tmux)
+- server to save sessions in case of X crash (should be done by dtach)
+- unlimited scrollback buffer (done by dvtm)
 - URL selecting/launching in browser similiar to vimperator's mark mode and the
   urxvt script (patch?) (possibly piped through something like plumb to
           - This one is done by a simple shortcut in dwm which will launch your
Received on Thu May 16 2013 - 11:50:13 CEST

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